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Want More? Read These!


The finish line is just ahead!  I hope y’all have been enjoying all this new content.  Still craving more?  Haha!  Probably not. :)  BUT for those of you who have been faithful readers and supporters, I thought I’d compile a list of my favorite, most popular, or most personal posts over the years.  If you’re newer to the blog, you might find these fun to sift through.

Modesty Talk | When Others Have Different Convictions

  A reader asked me to write on this topic awhile back, and I thought it was an interesting one; one I feel like you don’t hear much about.  In this post, I talked through my own personal experience with being in circles where a specific level of immodesty (not only in clothing, but in attitude) was not only accepted but embraced, how this affected me, and how I thought through these issues.

Currently: Since the New Year

  Before switching my blogging focus to spiritual growth, I frequently wrote about what was going on in my life.  I must say, this was one of my favorite “Currently” posts.  The more photos, the better, in my opinion. :)

A Lesson from Martha and Mary + the Ultimate Goal

  God put Mary and Martha’s story on my heart that Christmas, and these are my personal reflections, taken from my personal journal.

Love Without Expectations

  The truth is, Jesus Christ had no reason to love us, yet He did anyway.  Shouldn’t we be willing to show unconditional love to those around us?

Women of the Bible // Bleeding Woman

  I did a short series on women in the Bible and enjoyed digging into this story, particularly.

An Average Day Tag

  I shared 10 pictures from day-to-day life, explaining my own personal normal.  It’s fun to look back and see what my days looked like then, and reflect on how different they are now!

Productivity // The Backwards To-Do List

  You’ve heard me mention this post before.  Still one of my most popular!

What Renewable Energy Taught Me about God’s Grace

  An odd title, but a wonderful lesson.

Handling Your Crush in a Godly Way

  This post is one of the top in page-views on this new blog.  This was the one and only time I ever spoke on the topic of GUYS, crushes, romance, and all that fun stuff

100+ Things to Do In Quarantine

  Although not all of us are in quarantine now (hallelujah!), this gigantic bucket list might give you some fun inspiration for any day.

Is Hospitality for Singles?

  I was SUPER excited to write on this topic!  God gave me some unique opportunities to show hospitality last year, and I learned a lot.

Humble Pie

  Just a couple thoughts from the quarantine as I struggled with some sinful attitudes.  I am so thankful God continues to work on me!

12 Things to do to Spark Creativity

  I don’t know why this post was so popular, but apparently you guys found something interesting! :P
