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Church Music Series Review

Last year I did a quick series on my previous blog sharing personal experiences, thoughts, and reflections on my journey with serving the church through music.  Today I’m going to review that series, providing the links and descriptions below for your convenience.  Basically, if you ever wanted to have a down-to-earth chat about church music with someone who is in the thick of it, you’ll love this series.

My Journey with Church Music // Introduction

  This introductory post mainly explained the purpose for the series, for whom the series was written, and what would be covered in the weeks to follow.

My Journey with Church Music // Combating Fear

  Fear is a part of any skill that requires an audience.  Fear can creep up at any time, in any place.

My Journey with Church Music // Preparation: a Reflection of Love

  Viewing thorough preparation as an avenue of loving others is an idea that never occurred to me until I read Keith and Kristyn Getty’s little book, Sing!  I was floored!  Why isn’t this idea of loving preparation more heavily weighted in our churches?

My Journey with Church Music // Preparing Through Prayer

  Prayer is a key to having a thriving walk with Christ, and serving Him with music falls under that canopy.

My Journey with Church Music // When You Want a Different Gift

  Ouch!  This struggle in my life is one I prefer to hide, but also one that I needed to share!  This post was one of my rawest, realist posts to date.  If you’ve ever been tempted to despise the gift God gave you, you’re not alone.

My Journey with Church Music // God’s Grace for Our Mistakes

  Mistakes and failures are a giant part of our lives, right?  Church music is no different.  You will make mistakes from time to time.  Thankfully, the grace of God enables us to serve Him wholeheartedly, despite our human error.

My Journey with Church Music // Why I Appreciate Sacred Music

  This toe-stepping, eggshell-cracking, controversial post was in response to a specific request from a reader.  Take it or leave it. :)

My Journey with Church Music // Resources

  This post contained a short list of church music resources I have found helpful.

My Journey with Church Music // Q+A

  I had you all send in questions relating to church music, and I answered them in this post.

My Journey with Church Music // the Recapitulation

  If you’re a classically-trained musician and know your musical forms, you’ll get why I named this conclusion post the “recapitulation.” ;)  A quick summary of the study, and that was that—a series complete!
