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Questions to Ask When Considering a College

As a high school senior, college is all the talk among my peers right now.  What college should I attend?  Why?  Where is God leading me?  The questions are abundant.

  I decided years ago what college I would attend, and that is the only college I’ve applied to, so this is not a particular struggle I have faced recently.  However, for many other high school seniors, this is a rather confusing and scary decision.  Although I’ve not had this struggle, perhaps it’s one I can expound on because of my unique position in this area.

  Here are a few questions I’ve asked others as they’ve consider colleges.

What are the values of the college?

  Recently I met a woman who tried to convince my mother that the college her children were planning to attend were Christian colleges.  My mom, being the discerning woman she is, decided to research this.  The results did not match up.  The colleges in question did not uphold the biblical principle of creation and had next-to-no Christian standards academically or individually.

  It is important to examine the beliefs and values of the colleges you are considering.  Do they line up with the Word of God?

Will this environment encourage me spiritually?

  Will this environment build you up or tear you down spiritually?

How spiritually strong am I?

  This is a question you must answer honestly for yourself.  Only you will know the true answer.  Some of your characteristics to particularly examine include leadership, self-discipline, and integrity.  If you are a strong believer and will be able to maintain a strong circle of godly influence, you’re probably in a better position to thrive in a secular environment than someone who is more wishy-washy.  The flip side is also true: if you’re a strong believer, a spiritual environment may be a powerhouse of encouragement and growth for you.  What is best will differ for each person, but this is a helpful question to consider.

What does God’s Word say?

  Always, always, ALWAYS make decisions with Scripture as your basis!  Not sure where to begin?  Ask someone to do a study with you, or do a key-word search on words like family, future, and wisdom.

What does godly counsel say?

  It is crucial that you seek out godly counsel in the area of college.  I had to seek godly counsel when deciding which major to pursue, and the counsel I received was overwhelming against a particular pathway I was considering.  The information and advice I received was eye-opening!  Although I personally did not see many errors in the pathway I had begun pursuing, I trusted that God was using my spiritual mentors to communicate His wisdom, and that led me to choose a different major.

  So many people receive clear instruction from their elders and yet think, “But I still don’t know where the Lord wants me to go.”  News flash: God speaks to us through our godly mentors and influences.

  If you don’t have godly counsel in your life, get right to it!  Start seeking out a mentor today, or talking to some wise people you deeply respect.

  “Where no counsel, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” – Proverbs 11:14 (KJV)

What do my parents think?

  Parental guidance is golden.  God gave you your parents for a reason!  If your parents are helping financially with your college education, their opinion is especially important.

What are my priorities?

  Make a list of priorities in your search for a college.  Here are some things to consider: distance, location, college values, size, financial aid, programs of study, accreditation, and academic excellence.

  High school seniors and college students – talk to me!  How did you decide on your college?  What did you find most helpful in the decision-making process?


  1. I would also say that no matter how spiritually strong you are (or you think you are), "let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." (1 Cor 10:12).

    When measuring a college, make sure that you aren't measuring it by your standards or your parent's standards. Measure it by the Bible's standards (which should be your's and your parent's if you are a Christian) (Here lies the issue of interpreting the Bible when you are looking at matters like music and dress and I won't go into that because it would take too long.) and do not take action without praying about it first.

    "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."

    1. Those are all good additions! One reason I think the question "how spiritually strong am I?" is a good one to ask is because is, if we're being honest, NONE of us are as "strong" as we should be!

  2. What about the ones Edo don't go to college? I'm living at home and have a full-time job nearby. Not everyone goes to colleg. What are your thoughts on that?

    1. I think it's completely fine to not go to college! :) Whereas I think college can be an excellent tool, it is simply not for everyone. The Lord leads many young people down paths that don't require college. Just continue staying faithful to where the Lord has called you!


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