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Showing posts from February, 2020

Thoughts on Investing in People

My brother and I got into a good conversation after class the other day, sparked by something my teacher mentioned and then prompted directly afterward by a completely unrelated Facebook post.   Lately God has been teaching me so much about people in general.  It’s very eye-opening to realize that aside from the Scripture, the only things on earth with eternal value are peoples’ souls.  That’s it.   The world is so focused on ME ME ME.  Popularity, success, money, feelings, decisions… it all centers around person: ME.  Yet God’s Word paints an altogether different picture.   How much did Christ do for Himself?  His life was the epitome of absolute selflessness.  He didn’t cater to fleshly temptations.  He poured out His life in beautiful sacrifice, speaking love till His final breath.  On the cross, He cried out and asked God to forgive those that nailed Him there.  Who n...

Your Creativity is Not in Vain

Does it ever strike you as odd that the first attribute we see for God in scripture is creativity?   When I first pondered this truth, I was enormously excited, yet somewhat puzzled.   I definitely err on the side of creativity, particularly in the area of music.   I love to compose and arrange!   I’m the girl who stacked a recording of Baby Shark with more than 8 different sound effects.   Get me in the creative zone, and I’m in my happy place!

Valentine's Day Encouragement for the Single Girl

Hey y’all!   Instead of a re-post today, I decided to check in real quick and throw out a couple Valentine’s Day resources for all the single girls reading!   Below are resources I have personally found helpful and encouraging around Valentine’s Day.  So many singles hate Valentine's Day, but it doesn't have to be that way!  I hope these resources are exciting and inspiring for you single ladies.

12 Things to Do to Spark Creativity

I love creative beauty.   When I was younger, I poured myself into art and took dance.   Today, music composition, lettering, and writing are all hobbies that make my heart soar.   Creativity is a huge part of my life.   However, sometimes I can fall into a creative funk where I have absolutely no inspiration or motivation.   It’s not a fun place to be!   Any other creatives out there that relate?